
频道:游戏攻略 日期: 浏览:5






1. Kim, J. H., & Rhee, K. S. (2018). The impact of South Korea's cultural industries on its soft power. Asian Journal of Communication, 28(5), 400-414.

2. Park, J. Y., & Kim, J. Y. (2018). The effects of cultural distance on brand attitude and purchase intention: The case of Korean Wave. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 9(2), 123-132.

3. Lee, S. J., & Lee, S. H. (2018). The influence of Korean Wave on the perception and attitude of South Korean products: The mediating role of brand image. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 42(11), 1075-1086.

4. Choi, H. J., & Lee, S. Y. (2019). The effect of Korean Wave on the intention to visit South Korea: The mediating role of country image. Journal of the Korean Society of Travel and Tourism, 34(1), 47-60.

5. Kim, S. H., & Kim, S. Y. (2019). The impact of Korean Wave on the brand image of South Korean products: The mediating role of brand awareness. Journal of the Korean Society of Fashion Business, 23(2), 147-160.